The Iosua's

The Iosua's
The Iosua's

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

22 Weeks and 18 To Go


HOW FAR ALONG?: 22 weeks. 18 to go. The baby is finally over a pound and about the size of a small doll...what happened to the fruit comparisons?
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: 8 pounds...ugh...

MATERNITY CLOTHES?: Yes, but still mixed in with some of my regular clothes.  Casual weekend clothes are easy and comfortable, but I struggle with myself in the mirror every morning when I have to get dressed for work.  Why do the cute maternity clothes have to be so expensive for something I will only be wearing for the next three months.

STRETCH MARKS?:  A few small ones on my hips.  Hopefully they don't get too much worse.

SLEEP?:  Some nights I sleep fine, but others I don't sleep at all.

BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Spending four days in Lake George with Rob and Daisy.  It was so nice to get away just us and enjoy the outdoors.  I really don't think I was meant to live and work near a city.  We had such a great time walking around the town, swimming in the lake and hiking in the Adirondack Mountains.  I can't wait to go back next year (or hopefully this winter for the winter carnival).

In the Mountain overlooking

WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Just feeling so emotional.  This growing a human thing is hard work and I am always exhausted lately.  I also can't seem to control any of my emotions. (poor Rob).
MISS ANYTHING?: I could really use a glass of wine to de-stress and relax me.

MOVEMENT?: Lots of movement.  I can feel Baby I moving all the time in there.  I can feel him/her kick and also roll around.  They are not strong enough for Rob to feel yet from the outside, but I can't wait for that moment.

FOOD CRAVINGS?: Nothing specific or consistent that I have been craving.  I have more of an appetite I have noticed. Which is only supposed to grow since over the next 4 weeks the baby will double in size (hopefully I won't). 

GENDER?:  I took girl in the baby pool and Rob took boy.  So we are split 50/50.  Looks like most of the family is saying girl.  We will have to wait and see.

SYMPTOMS?: Lots of bloody noses, some lightheadedness, mood swings, exhaustion.  But all of this is better than getting sick like I was in the beginning.

BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: In, but flattening.  It is not attractive.


HAPPY or MOODY MOST OF THE TIME?: Happy and excited most of the time, but my day to day emotions are all over the place.

LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: Unfortunately all of our planned vacations are over which makes me very sad.  I am looking forward to the Country Music Fest this weekend, and a long weekend for Labor Day weekend.  I am also looking forward to registering and our Baby shower in October.  Overall just looking forward to fall, spending some time at home and getting ready for the baby.  

Thursday, August 9, 2012

20 Weeks...Half Way There

Almost 20 weeks on our Vacation in Maine

HOW FAR ALONG?: 20 weeks...Baby I is the size of a small cantaloupe and the length of a banana.


MATERNITY CLOTHES?:  Starting to wear them a lot, but I can still fit into many of my regular clothes too.

STRETCH MARKS?: none yet

SLEEP?: Getting up 2-3 times a night to pee.

BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: There were so many.  First, seeing the ultrasound at the doctor's on Tuesday and having everything be healthy.  Also the entire week we spent in Maine last week.  It was so nice and relaxing and so great to spend some quality time with Rob and Daisy.  We went on lots of walks at all hours, spent so much time at the beach and ate great food all week.  I would do anything to be able to move there permanently.

WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?:  Probably the long days at work following a vacation.

MISS ANYTHING?: I really miss sushi, deli meat, wine and cocktails.

MOVEMENT?: There are a few times when I think I felt the baby moving, but its not often enough that I am entirely sure.

FOOD CRAVINGS?: Nothing specific, but my appetite has picked up a bit.


GENDER?: We made it through THE ultrasound without finding out the gender.  Its smooth sailing from here.  I am so glad that we decided to do it this way (and that Rob stuck to his guns here) cause it makes me even more excited for the end of December.

SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: I am very very moody.  Mood swings like crazy. No other major symptoms besides getting tired early on and an occasional headache and backache. 

BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?:  In but starting to flatten.  However, I had a really deep inny before getting pregnant so hopefully that helps.


HAPPY or MOODY MOST OF THE TIME?: So so moody.  See above.  However, I am very happy and excited to spend time with Rob and Daisy and prepare for the little one coming so soon.

LOOKING FORWARD TO...?:  I am looking forward to going to Lake George next week and also really starting to look forward to the fall and the fall weather.  I can't wait to go apple picking, pumpkin picking, stay home on football Sundays, go to the Big E and keep prepping for baby I.  Fall is definitely the most relaxing time of year for me.