The Iosua's

The Iosua's
The Iosua's

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

33 Weeks...Only 7 Left To Go!

This was actually taken closer to 32 weeks

HOW FAR ALONG?: 33 Weeks! The baby is the size of a butternut squash. Last week it was the size of a honeydew melon.  That doesn't really make sense to me because I think a melon looks bigger than the squash...but oh well that's what the book says.

TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: as of my appointment today 19 pounds and I am feeling very swollen. But the doc says I am right on track.

STRETCH MARKS?:  Nope not yet.  Lets hope it stays that way.

SLEEP?:  Sleeping is rough.  I am up at least 5-6 times a night and not typically a happy camper in the morning.

BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?:  Going to the childbirthing class with Rob.  It was really informative and made me feel alot better.  Plus getting to spend the day with Rob was great.  We need to find one of those hand massagers that they had for us to use while we were there.  They were awesome.  Also at my appointment today it was great to hear the baby's heart beat.  I have been in a really crabby mood lately and hearing that made me smile :)
WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?:  Just feeling so overwhelmed.  I am sure we will be ready, but with the amount that has to be done it seems impossible.  Between the amount of stuff at work that needs to be done before I go on maternity leave, to the stuff around the house and still setting up the nursery, I am definitly stressed.  I know that's not good for me or the baby, but its hard not to feel overwhelmed, but we are checking things off the list little by little.

MISS ANYTHING?:  I could really use some red wine to calm my nerves and relax me.

MOVEMENT?:  Baby is moving all the time now.  While I enjoy it most of the time, the soccer practice on my ribs can be a little painful.  Doc says the baby's head is down, and once its down it usually stays that way.  But he's going to keep checking at every appoinment to make sure he/she cooperates.

FOOD CRAVINGS?:  Nothing.  I had a craving a few weeks ago for a honey glazed donut.  But once I had one, no more cravings.  Honestly, I don't have much of an appetite.  Maybe the only thing I am craving is breakfast food, but for dinner.

ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?:  Still really queasy in the morning.  I have tried to make sure that I eat right when I wake up, which helps, but I still feel quesy in the car or on the train on the way to work.

GENDER?:  I think it might be a boy.  Next week I will probably say girl.  I can't make my mind up about anything these days.

SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Very forgetful lately.  Its driving me nuts.  I forget stupid and important things.

BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?:  1/2 and 1/2.  The top is out and the bottom is still in (well flat).  I miss my old belly button.

WEDDING RINGS OFF or ON?: My fingers have unfortunately started to swell.  I thought maybe I was going to get away with this symptom.  I can wear one ring, so I have been wearing my wedding ring, but can't wear my engagement ring :(  I am pretty sure I will have to stop wearing my wedding ring soon too.

HAPPY or MOODY MOST OF THE TIME?:  SO MOODY.  I can't control my moods or emotions.  I am tired, forgetful, overwhelmed, and over worked which all equates to lots of mood swings.  I am probably not the most pleasant person to be around lately, but I just can't shake it off.

LOOKING FORWARD TO...?:  Getting the nursery ready and getting to meet our baby.

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