In a blink of an eye nursing turned to bottles, bottles have slowly morphed into sippy cups, pureed peas and carrots have phased into grilled chicken and cheerios. Sitting up shimmied to standing, crawling, climbing, dancing and now WALKING.
It makes me think about how while I am going through the motions that feel so similar everyday, Bryce wakes up to something brand new. Every single day he sees, learns, says, or does something new... EVERY SINGLE DAY... Each day is a new and exciting adventure for him. No wonder he wakes up by jumping to get out of his crib, he has no idea what is in store for him and he is excited to get started.
My goal over the next weeks, months, years is to start seeing every day through his eyes, see what he is seeing, learning and doing and maybe I will learn a few new things and start to feel rejuvenated as well. Maybe I will bound out of bed in the morning with a new found enthusiasm to see what the day has in store...instead of hitting snooze one more time.
I want to start keeping better track of Bryce's milestones, likes, dislikes etc....and considering his baby book is still sitting in the desk largely empty I am going to do it here. So that I can remember everything, before I look back and he is 5 and all the days have just blended together....and maybe one of these days I can use these entries and find time to go back and fill in that baby book.
There have been so many since my last post, especially since I didn't write a 9 month blog. (or take 9 month pictures - tear).
- Firsts - Plane flight, Halloween, Big E, Apple Picking, first pair of shoes
- Dancing to music, seriously the hot dog dance song comes on and he jumps up and starts shaking his booty
- His hair has finally started filling out. Though more so in the middle, keeping the fauxhawk in tact.
- 6 teeth and I am happy to say the teething/sleeping troubles have passed.
- Bryce seems to have finally outgrown his baby eczema, not sure if its the oils we started putting in his bath at night or just that he has gotten older. Either way, no more Hydrolatum!!!
- Opening and closing doors
- Walking - Bryce has taken 4 steps in a row....we are going to be running after him very soon.
- #1 like is Daisy. No one can calm this kid down the way she can. If he is having a melt down, she can instantly turn his tears into smiles. Bryce climbs all over her and loves to watch us play fetch. He loves trying to throw the ball to her and give her treats.
- The Zoo - This kid LOVES animals....his favorite days are going to the Zoo with Daddy.
- Foods - avocado, broccoli, grilled chicken, mac and cheese, fusilli, pancakes, waffles, french toast, yogurt (especially vanilla), cheerios, turkey burgers, string cheese, oranges
- Brushing his teeth - B-man gets so excited when I take the tooth brush out of the drawer
- Tubby Time
- Mickey Mouse Clubhouse and especially the Hot Dog Dance
- Jake and the Neverland Pirates
- Stacking blocks and stacking cups - and making them go crash
- Reading books. Especially the touch and feel ones. Some of his favorites are "I love you Stinky Face", "That's Not My Monkey", and "I Love You, Goodnight".
- Foods - peas, some jarred foods
- Being constricted to one place - the exersaucer used to be one of his favorite places and now he seems to see it as a jail cell. haha
- Being in the car seat if he is not napping
- Napping - why oh why do you still fight napping.
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