I can't believe how fast the last 6 months have gone by. We are half way to Bryce's first birthday. Its crazy. Bryce met so many milestones these last two months. He has two teeth. Is moving around (rolling and army crawling) like crazy. He has grown out of his bucket car seat and the swing that he loves so much (*tear). The swing was a saving grace to us the last year and was Bryce's favorite place to nap.
Our last picture of Bryce all cozy in his swing |
A lot of the last few months have also been harder than I was expecting. Going to work everyday is a constant struggle. I want to work, but it so hard to leave Bryce. Most days, now that Bryce is sleeping later, he is still asleep and I don't get to see him before I leave at 6:30am. That's hard because I don't get to say good morning and give him a big hug and kiss (until we Facetime later on with Rob). He is so cuddly and smiley in the morning I hate missing out on that. On the other hand, on the days when I either voluntarily take a later train, or Bryce wakes up early, I love getting to see him, but then I have to say goodbye. Its so much harder to leave when he is staring at me and smiling or playing as I am walking out the door. I suppose I can't win either way. As a fellow blogger so eloquently put it, "The truth is there is no such thing as balance. On occasion, there is a decent blend." Though as my emotions continue to be all over the place (recall my post partum bi-polar disorder post), I am continuing to navigate this motherhood job and more specific the working mom title with each day.
To my dearest Bryce: These past six months have been the best of my life. Each and every day you make me laugh and cry tears of joy. My favorite sound is your laugh, my favorite site is your smile, my favorite touch is your hugs, and my favorite smell is your sweet skin after a bath. You continue to brighten up our world and are such a fun little boy. Even at such a young age you bring so much happiness and laughter where ever you are, (just ask all the old ladies that the grocery store who can't stay away from you). I can't wait to see what the next six months (and beyond) have in store for you.
Sitting up on your own
Army crawling everywhere. You really make it around!
Two teeth
Lots of first foods. You eat a lot!
Finger foods
A lot of baby babble including Da Da
High fiving
Standing while holding on to objects
Growing out of everything
Met all my Florida cousins
First trip to the zoo
First trip to the beach and many trips to York, ME
Here is some Bryce cuteness:
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