Bryce is my first child. This is the first time I have done this whole raising another human being thing. I have no friggin clue what I am doing...When Bryce was born he was perfect. We were given an awesome, cute little boy who took easily to breast feeding and loved to sleep. I probably told too many people that I had a baby that slept through the night early on. I am sure the last thing other new parents want to hear is that you have a baby that sleeps. However, after this last week, I feel like we are paying for it.
Bryce was never a huge napper. He took a lot of cat naps throughout the day as opposed to 2 or 3 longer naps. But that was always ok cause he slept at night. The last week though Bryce has been impossible to put to sleep. One night it took two hours. He does this thing where he starts to fall asleep while he is drinking his bottle then gets really fussy. Eventually he burps and falls asleep but then he won't let you put him down. The minute I put him in the crib, his eyes open and he screams. You pick him up and he falls right back asleep. Eventually after a very very long time of rocking and bouncing I am able to put him down. My back kills by the end.
So all those other mothers who were jealous of a baby sleeping through the night. I am now jealous of those who have babies who can sleep anywhere. With the exception of being able to sleep in the car, Bryce needs the wind to be blowing in the right direction to be able to be put down in the crib.
I know we probably should not have rocked him so much in the beginning and that was our fault cause that is what he got used to. So after a few nights of this, we decided we were going to have to let him "cry it out". That night he fell asleep in my arms as usual, I put him down and he woke up a minute later and started crying. We let him cry it out for maybe 4 minutes tops and when Rob went up to get him, he upset himself so much he threw up everywhere. No not baby throw up. Real grown person stomach bug type throw up. We had to air out his room for two days, wash the crib, bumper, sheets, floor and give him a bath. Needless to say we won't be letting him cry it out again for a very long time. Hopefully this is just a short lived phase or is somehow connected to teething since it looks like his 2nd tooth is just about ready to pop through.
Again this is our first time doing this, we are not supposed to know what we are doing right? Bryce you are our test case for a future sibling.
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