The Iosua's

The Iosua's
The Iosua's

Friday, June 8, 2012

11 Weeks and 1 Day - Baby I is the Size of a Large Plum

11 Weeks and 1 Day - Baby I is the size of a Large Plum

HOW FAR ALONG?:  11 weeks and 1 day

TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: Nothing.  Still lost about 3 pounds from when I first found out I was pregnant.

MATERNITY CLOTHES?: Not yet, but noticing that some of my tight clothes don't look that great on me anymore.  And a few of my smaller work pants are getting tight around the waist.

SLEEP?:  Sleeping a little better.  Still getting up a lot to pee at night.  Though no matter how much I sleep it never seems like enough.

BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?:  Going out to dinner and a Red Sox game with Rob. It had been awhile since Rob and I had gone out on a date.

WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?:  Almost fainting on the T on the way to the red sox game.

MISS ANYTHING?:  Coffee, Iced coffee, wine, Sam Summer

MOVEMENT?:  Still awhile away from that yet.

FOOD CRAVINGS?: Nothing specific yet, but I notice I don't want dessert nearly as much as I used to before I got pregnant.

ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?:  I have been queasy / sick but nothing specific I can think of.  Sometimes I don't really have an appetite for meat (steak, chicken etc) unless its mixed in with something (tacos, lasagna)

GENDER?:  We aren't going to change our mind.  Definitely not finding out.

SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Some headaches and lightheadedness this week.



HAPPY or MOODY MOST OF THE TIME?:  Mostly happy, except at night when I get really tired and am ready for bed.

LOOKING FORWARD TO...?:  I am hoping that at our 12 week apt next week we will be able to hear the heartbeat.