A journal of the thoughts, feelings, emotions and more throughout the next 40 weeks and beyond.
The Iosua's
The Iosua's
Thursday, April 26, 2012
5 and 1/2 weeks
So we went for our first ultrasound today. I found out that basically I wasn't pregnant enough to have one yet. They scheduled it way too early, however we got a few pictures of what they called the sac. They were not able to locate the yolk yet. I also found out that I have a tipped uterus and a small cyst on one of my ovaries, which the Dr. said not to worry about. So after many hours of waiting (they weren't the most efficient that day) I was told to come back in 3 weeks. So we have our 2nd ultra sound May 15 as well as our firs Dr. Apt.
Even though there wasn't much there to see yet, it was still really exciting to be there with Rob. I will always remember that day.
HOW FAR ALONG?: Unofficially about 5 and 1/2 weeks.
SLEEP?: I am sleeping much better than I was last week. Maybe I wasn't sleeping before because I was just too excited.
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Telling Rob's family that we were pregnant. I know its still really early, but we just couldn't hold it in longer than a week. They were so happy for us.
WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Having the doctor's and nurses not really tell us anything at our appointment. They didn't even go over what I should do and not do, eat and not eat etc. I am not sure how happy I was with MGH, but we are going to wait and meet with the Doctor to see if we like him before thinking about going somewhere else.
MISS ANYTHING?: Sushi and wine
FOOD CRAVINGS?: No just need to eat on more of a regular schedule so that I don't get nauseous.
ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?: Just an empty stomach. I feel pretty queasy all morning, but feel better in the late afternoon and at night.
GENDER?: Still holding steady that we are not going to find out.
SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: I am crazy emotional. I swing from one extreme to the next in an hour. Its very tiring. I am also incredibly tired. I feel like I could sleep all day long. I even had to put my head on my desk and close my eyes for a few minutes today. I have also been waking up with a headache every day. Not sure if that is related though.
HAPPY or MOODY MOST OF THE TIME?: Very very happy.
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: Telling my family this weekend when they come up for dinner. Rob and I were just thinking of leaving the ultrasound on the fridge and see when someone notices it. We'll see. I am not sure how I want to tell them yet.
Thursday, April 19, 2012
Estimating about 4 weeks and 6 days
We celebrated in...where else but, York, ME!
HOW FAR ALONG?: Estimating about 4 weeks and 6 days
MATERNITY CLOTHES?: Nope - but I can't wait for that! There are so many cute styles out there.
STRETCH MARKS?: Nope - I can definitely wait for that ha
SLEEP?: I have been waking up to pee at least twice a night.
BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Telling Rob the news!
WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Having to hold in the news when talking to friends and family
MISS ANYTHING?: sushi and Sam Adams Summer Ale with a lemon...and its only been a few days.
MOVEMENT?: Nothing for awhile. But I can't wait.
FOOD CRAVINGS?: No, just hungry more often than usual.
ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?: Not really. A little nausea when I don't eat on schedule
GENDER?: We are not going to find out
SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Very happy
HAPPY or MOODY MOST OF THE TIME?: Very happy. I can't wipe the smile off my face.
LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: Our first ultra sound next week.
We're Pregnant!
I started thinking I might be pregnant when: I had three straight days where I was purely irrational and emotional. More than usual :)
I found out I was pregnant when: I took a pregnancy test on Friday, April 13, 2012, before work.
I felt: Incredibly happy. I started jumping up and down in the shower. That probably wasn't the safest idea.
The first person I told was: Rob, your dad!
The way I told him was: I put a shirt on our dog that said "I'm going to be a big sister". It took Rob a minute to realize why Daisy was wearing and shirt and what it said. Watching the realization cross his face was priceless. I also gave him a mug at that time that said "I'm going to be a dad" and showed him the positive pregnancy test.
He reacted by: Running over to hug me. I couldn't stop crying tears of joy. We also brought Daisy into our family hug.
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