The Iosua's

The Iosua's
The Iosua's

Thursday, December 27, 2012

Merry Christmas...and My Due Date Has Come and Gone

40 Weeks...This was the only picture I had from this week...Not the best one

Playing with Daisy and Her New Toys Christmas Morning!

HOW FAR ALONG?: 40 Weeks and One Day.  The baby is the size of a small pumpkin.

TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: 26 pounds.  Slightly over my goal of a total of 25. But not too bad. Although if this baby doesn't come soon its just going to keep getting bigger...

MATERNITY CLOTHES?: Since I have stopped working, my wardrobe has pretty much consisted of a pair of pajama pants and one of Rob's T-shirts.

STRETCH MARKS?: None yet.  Hopefully if this baby comes soon, I will get through the whole pregnancy without stretch marks. But my skin is getting really tight so hopefully the baby makes an appearance soon.

SLEEP?: I have bad nights and some better nights, but not having to wake up for work has made the biggest difference.

BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Christmas Eve and Christmas Day.  Rob and I had the greatest Christmas.  On Christmas Eve, Rob made a delicious dinner, we took Daisy for a long walk and kept our tradition of watching "Its a Wonderful Life".  We had a really special night.  Then we woke up Christmas morning and Rob made ham and cheese omelets for breakfast and we watched "The Polar Express" as we opened up gifts from each other.  Rob got me a ton of clothes and some good makeup, comfy clothes and slippers which will come in handy over my maternity leave and so much more.  But my favorite was his card and thoughtful words he wrote.  I got Rob a pocket watch from me and the baby, which he seemed to like, along with clothes and a few other things.  Daisy was also very excited to get a ton of new toys.  After we opened gifts, watched the movie and got ready, we spent the afternoon with my parents, and had a really nice time with them.  After that, we stopped by Rob's parents for leftovers and some dessert and exchanged gifts with them also.  Both my and Rob's family were so generous and we are so lucky to have both families.  It was so wonderful to be able to spend time with both of them without having to travel.

WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Seeing my due date come and go....I am really ready to meet our baby.

MISS ANYTHING?: I really miss champagne around the holidays.  Hopefully I have had the baby by New Years (even though I won't be induced until the 2nd if I don't go on my own).

MOVEMENT?: Baby I is moving all the time.

FOOD CRAVINGS?: Having ham and turkey etc for the holiday meals, but I really wish I was craving spicy food in order to help move this along a little.

GENDER?: We will be finding out soon.

SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: I am all over the place.  Some days I am calm and others I am manic and moody.

BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: Still not fully out, but its getting there.

WEDDING RINGS OFF or ON?: Still off.

HAPPY or MOODY MOST OF THE TIME?: Happy.  I am getting really excited that we get to meet our baby soon.

LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: Surprisingly, I am excited to go through labor with Rob by my side.  I can't wait to hold our baby in my arms for the first time and see Rob hold him/her.  I am also excited to finally be able to give him/her a name.

Baby I, we are ready for you.  Below is some pictures of the nursery after it was all finished.

38 Weeks

38 Weeks

HOW FAR ALONG?:  38 Weeks.  The baby is the size of a small watermelon.

I remembered to take a picture for 38 weeks, but I am writing the blog a little late.  The picture is from when Rob and I went to see A Christmas Carol at the North Shore Music Theatre.  We also went out for dinner beforehand to the Backstage Bistro.  We had the best time and it was so nice to go out for a night before the baby got here.  Though as I sit here now, one day past my due date, it seems like so long ago.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

37 Weeks...Officially Full Term

HOW FAR ALONG?: 37 Weeks and Officially Full Term.  Baby I is the size of a watermelon. 

TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: 22 pounds and feeling very swollen, though I was happy to learn that I did not gain any weight this week since my last doctor's apt.

MATERNITY CLOTHES?: Of course.  All clothes are maternity now except open sweaters and hoodies and yoga pants.

STRETCH MARKS?: None yet.  Keeping my fingers crossed.

SLEEP?: Not sleeping at all and I am exhausted. 

BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Decorating the house for Christmas.  I love coming home to the lights on at night and hanging out in the living room with the tree lit.

WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?:  Everyday when I have to get up and go to work.  Next week is my last week and I can't wait.

MISS ANYTHING?:  Wine and champagne.  Especially around the holidays.

MOVEMENT?: Baby I is moving all day long, and now it is hurting haha.  S/He is pressing down so hard I think my hips may break.  I seriously think I may have some internal bruising :/

FOOD CRAVINGS?: Fruit Snacks and Popsicles.

ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?: Still quesy in the mornings.  I think its the commute.  Car rides and train rides will both do it.

GENDER?: It isn't too long now until we can finally find out.

SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: I don't think I am as moody lately, but you may want to check with Rob on that one.

BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: Halfway between flat and out still.

WEDDING RINGS OFF or ON?: Off and I really miss being able to wear it :(


LOOKING FORWARD TO...?:  Stopping work next week and meeting our little one...hopefully ASAP!

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Dads and Daughters

Now I know we don't know the gender of our baby, but I couldn't help posting this for several reasons.  First, as I read through all 50 of these, I couldn't help but think of my own father and how wonderful he was growing up and how much I still cherish our relationship today.  There is a special bond between fathers and daughters that is unexplainable.  Second, I can't help but think of how Rob will be with our daughter, if that is what we end up having.  So many of the things on the list sound like things I can picture him doing with our daughter, and others I hope he will do.  He is going to be a great father to either our son or our daughter, but like I said before there is just something about the relationship between a father and his little girl.  So this post is dedicated to the father that my dad was and the father that I know Rob will be.  I love you both. (I put in some of my two cents and switched out some pictures to ones I liked better after some of the posts).

50 Rules for Dads of Daughters
by Michael Mitchell

1. Love her mom. Treat her mother with respect, honor, and a big heaping spoonful of public displays of affection. When she grows up, the odds are good she’ll fall in love with and marry someone who treats her much like you treated her mother. Good or bad, that’s just the way it is.

2. Always be there. Quality time doesn’t happen without quantity time. Hang out together for no other reason than just to be in each other’s presence. Be genuinely interested in the things that interest her. She needs her dad to be involved in her life at every stage. Don’t just sit idly by while she add years to her life… add life to her years.

3. Save the day. She’ll grow up looking for a hero. It might as well be you. She’ll need you to come through for her over and over again throughout her life. Rise to the occasion. Red cape and blue tights optional.

4. Savor every moment you have together. Today she’s crawling around the house in diapers, tomorrow you’re handing her the keys to the car, and before you know it, you’re walking her down the aisle. Some day soon, hanging out with her old man won’t be the bees knees anymore. Life happens pretty fast. You better cherish it while you can.

5. Pray for her. Regularly. Passionately. Continually.

6. Buy her a glove and teach her to throw a baseball. Make her proud to throw like a girl… a girl with a wicked slider. I loved playing softball with my dad.

7. She will fight with her mother. Choose sides wisely. I would suggest you chose mine :)

8. Go ahead. Buy her those pearls. Every girl should have a real set of pearls.

9. Of course you look silly playing peek-a-boo. You should play anyway.

10. Enjoy the wonder of bath time.

11. There will come a day when she asks for a puppy. Don’t over think it. At least one time in her life, just say, “Yes.” Rob will have no problem saying yes here.  She probably won't even have to ask.
Our Daisy as a puppy

12. It’s never too early to start teaching her about money. She will still probably suck you dry as a teenager… and on her wedding day.  Dad did good here. I think I am the best budgeter in the family :)

13. Make pancakes in the shape of her age for breakfast on her birthday. In a pinch, donuts with pink sprinkles and a candle will suffice.

14. Buy her a pair of Chucks as soon as she starts walking. She won’t always want to wear matching shoes with her old man.  Rob see how it says once she starts walking....not before she is even born.

15. Dance with her. Start when she’s a little girl or even when she’s a baby. Don’t wait ‘til her wedding day.
Some of the best memories I have are polka-ing with my dad

16. Take her fishing. She will probably squirm more than the worm on your hook. That’s OK.

17. Learn to say no. She may pitch a fit today, but someday you’ll both be glad you stuck to your guns.

18. Tell her she’s beautiful. Say it over and over again. Someday an animated movie or “beauty” magazine will try to convince her otherwise.

19. Teach her to change a flat. A tire without air need not be a major panic inducing event in her life. She’ll still call you crying the first time it happens. With AAA these days I am not sure how important this one is, but if you feel strongly about it go ahead.

20. Take her camping. Immerse her in the great outdoors. Watch her eyes fill with wonder the first time she sees the beauty of wide open spaces. Leave the iPod at home.

21. Let her hold the wheel. She will always remember when daddy let her drive.

22. She’s as smart as any boy. Make sure she knows that.

23. When she learns to give kisses, she will want to plant them all over your face. Encourage this practice.

24. Knowing how to eat sunflower seeds correctly will not help her get into a good college. Teach her anyway.

25. Letting her ride on your shoulders is pure magic. Do it now while you have a strong back and she’s still tiny.

26. It is in her nature to make music. It’s up to you to introduce her to the joy of socks on a wooden floor.

27. If there’s a splash park near your home, take her there often. She will be drawn to the water like a duck to a puddle.

28. She will eagerly await your return home from work in the evenings. Don’t be late. We always new Dad would walk in the door by 5:30.

29. If her mom enrolls her in swim lessons, make sure you get in the pool too. Don’t be intimidated if there are no other dads there. It’s their loss.

30. Never miss her birthday. In ten years she won’t remember the present you gave her. She will remember if you weren’t there.

31. Teach her to roller skate. Watch her confidence soar.

32. Let her roll around in the grass. It’s good for her soul. It’s not bad for yours either.

33. Take her swimsuit shopping. Don’t be afraid to veto some of her choices, but resist the urge to buy her full-body beach pajamas.

34. Somewhere between the time she turns three and her sixth birthday, the odds are good that she will ask you to marry her. Let her down gently.

35. She’ll probably want to crawl in bed with you after a nightmare. This is a good thing.

36. Few things in life are more comforting to a crying little girl than her father’s hand. Never forget this.

37. Introduce her to the swings at your local park. She’ll squeal for you to push her higher and faster. Her definition of “higher and faster” is probably not the same as yours. Keep that in mind.

38. When she’s a bit older, your definition of higher and faster will be a lot closer to hers. When that day comes, go ahead… give it all you’ve got.

39. Holding her upside down by the legs while she giggles and screams uncontrollably is great for your biceps. WARNING: She has no concept of muscle fatigue.

40. She might ask you to buy her a pony on her birthday. Unless you live on a farm, do not buy her a pony on her birthday. It’s OK to rent one though. Rob already talks about wanting to do this.

41. Take it easy on the presents for her birthday and Christmas. Instead, give her the gift of experiences you can share together. I like this one alot

42. Let her know she can always come home. No matter what. This one deserved to be bolded.

43. Remember, just like a butterfly, she too will spread her wings and fly some day. Enjoy her caterpillar years.

44. Write her a handwritten letter every year on her birthday. Give them to her when she goes off to college, becomes a mother herself, or when you think she needs them most.

45. Learn to trust her. Gradually give her more freedom as she gets older. She will rise to the expectations you set for her.

46. When in doubt, trust your heart. She already does.

47. When your teenage daughter is upset, learning when to engage and when to back off will add years to YOUR life. If you succeed in doing this, tell me how.

48. Ice cream covers over a multitude of sins. Know her favorite flavor.

49. This day is coming soon. There’s nothing you can do to be ready for it. The sooner you accept this fact, the easier it will be.

50. Today she’s walking down the driveway to get on the school bus. Tomorrow she’s going off to college. Don’t blink.

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

33 Weeks...Only 7 Left To Go!

This was actually taken closer to 32 weeks

HOW FAR ALONG?: 33 Weeks! The baby is the size of a butternut squash. Last week it was the size of a honeydew melon.  That doesn't really make sense to me because I think a melon looks bigger than the squash...but oh well that's what the book says.

TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: as of my appointment today 19 pounds and I am feeling very swollen. But the doc says I am right on track.

STRETCH MARKS?:  Nope not yet.  Lets hope it stays that way.

SLEEP?:  Sleeping is rough.  I am up at least 5-6 times a night and not typically a happy camper in the morning.

BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?:  Going to the childbirthing class with Rob.  It was really informative and made me feel alot better.  Plus getting to spend the day with Rob was great.  We need to find one of those hand massagers that they had for us to use while we were there.  They were awesome.  Also at my appointment today it was great to hear the baby's heart beat.  I have been in a really crabby mood lately and hearing that made me smile :)
WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?:  Just feeling so overwhelmed.  I am sure we will be ready, but with the amount that has to be done it seems impossible.  Between the amount of stuff at work that needs to be done before I go on maternity leave, to the stuff around the house and still setting up the nursery, I am definitly stressed.  I know that's not good for me or the baby, but its hard not to feel overwhelmed, but we are checking things off the list little by little.

MISS ANYTHING?:  I could really use some red wine to calm my nerves and relax me.

MOVEMENT?:  Baby is moving all the time now.  While I enjoy it most of the time, the soccer practice on my ribs can be a little painful.  Doc says the baby's head is down, and once its down it usually stays that way.  But he's going to keep checking at every appoinment to make sure he/she cooperates.

FOOD CRAVINGS?:  Nothing.  I had a craving a few weeks ago for a honey glazed donut.  But once I had one, no more cravings.  Honestly, I don't have much of an appetite.  Maybe the only thing I am craving is breakfast food, but for dinner.

ANYTHING MAKING ME QUEASY / SICK?:  Still really queasy in the morning.  I have tried to make sure that I eat right when I wake up, which helps, but I still feel quesy in the car or on the train on the way to work.

GENDER?:  I think it might be a boy.  Next week I will probably say girl.  I can't make my mind up about anything these days.

SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: Very forgetful lately.  Its driving me nuts.  I forget stupid and important things.

BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?:  1/2 and 1/2.  The top is out and the bottom is still in (well flat).  I miss my old belly button.

WEDDING RINGS OFF or ON?: My fingers have unfortunately started to swell.  I thought maybe I was going to get away with this symptom.  I can wear one ring, so I have been wearing my wedding ring, but can't wear my engagement ring :(  I am pretty sure I will have to stop wearing my wedding ring soon too.

HAPPY or MOODY MOST OF THE TIME?:  SO MOODY.  I can't control my moods or emotions.  I am tired, forgetful, overwhelmed, and over worked which all equates to lots of mood swings.  I am probably not the most pleasant person to be around lately, but I just can't shake it off.

LOOKING FORWARD TO...?:  Getting the nursery ready and getting to meet our baby.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

23 weeks, 26 weeks and 30 much happening

Ok! So its been a really long time since I have updated the blog.  I have been a busy girl with lots of trips this summer, the country music fest, tons of fall activities (ahem the Big E), working, shopping and so much more...not to mention this whole growing a human thing.  So here is a quick update on what's been happening over the last few months before my 30 week update.  First, summer was just incredible.  Rob and I took the whole babymoon thing to new levels, taking tons of weekend and day trips not to mention the trips to Florida and Maine too.  But summer officially capped off with the Country Music Fest at the end of August with Tara, as it does every year, though this year was quite a different experience.  Even though tailgating was a little more low key, we had great food and a great time and the concert was awesome (though there was one man there, who I am sure was completely sober, that thought Tara and I were having this baby together as partners).  Now I know we were dancing up a storm together and that I have umm put on a few pounds, but I am pretty sure we still look alot like sisters.  Anyways, here's a pic of us just before the concert started.

This is my 23 weeks picture!

So with the end of summer comes the beginning of my favorite season, Autumn.  Who doesn't love crisp weather, hot apple cider, pumpkin everything and fall foliage.  The official start of Autumn is the Big E.  I don't think I have missed it in all of my 29 years, even when we lived in Florida. It was better than ever this year, though after walking around and eating our way through the fair for 9 straight hours, I was hurting.  My knees, feet and back have never hurt so badly, but boy was it worth it. Take a look at some of the fun we had.

Before Rob won a teddy bear for the baby playing the birthday game.  I am 26 weeks in this photo.
The Big E is not complete without a stop at the Millie's pierogi's stand. There is nothing like polish food to bring me back to childhood.

These bean bags were the most comfortable things ever invented and yes we bought one.  I want to put it in the nursery underneath some shelves of books for a cozy place to read when the baby is a little bit older. 

Ok so now that you are all up to date.  Here is my 30 week post.  I will try to be more consisent in updating and taking pictures throughout my next 10 weeks.

HOW FAR ALONG?: 30 weeks.  Only 10 left to go.  I can't believe it...oh man we have to finish our Christmas shopping too.  Having a Dec 26th due date creates an automatic countdown of shopping days left.


MATERNITY CLOTHES?: Yes, with the exception of some yoga pants and cardigans/jackets that I can stillwear unbuttoned.

STRETCH MARKS?:  None yet.  Crossing my fingers this doesn't change.

SLEEP?: I am waking up at least three times a night now to pee.  So I have definitely been sleeping less, but every now and then I get a good night, which helps me reset for a couple days.  Though it probably helps that I can barely stay up til 9pm anymore....Man its going to be hard to watch the debate tonight.

BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Our baby shower this past Saturday that my mom and sister planned together for us.  It was so great and they know me so well as the autumn themed shower with pumpkins, maple syrup, mums and stonewall kitchen pancake mix as favors were all right up my ally.  Everything was perfect. It was so nice that so many family and friends from the Iosua side drove out to Western, Ma.  It was great to have everyone together.  Everyone was so generous and it helped us out in getting ready for Baby I so much.  We got a ton of the things that we need from the glider and pack and play from my parents, to an utterly awesome diaper bag stuffed with all kinds of goodies and our car seats/stroller from Rob's parents.  We also had a lot of people knit us some beautiful blankets and clothes that are so special for us to have. A huge thanks again to everyone involved.

WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Waking up Monday morning with morning sickness and getting physically ill in the middle of our front yard. (You know our nosey old lady of a neighbor was peeping out her window watching the lovely scene.)  Not sure where this is coming from, but I feel like I am back in my first trimester and I don't like it.

MISS ANYTHING?: Really really missing wine and sushi.  Rob and I bought a case of wine from our favorite winery in Lake George over the summer and I am dying to dive into it. And don't get me started on sushi, whoever brings me sushi in the hospital will make me the happiest woman on earth.

MOVEMENT?: Yes Baby I is moving all the time now.  I can feel him/her kick, roll and do all kinds of tricks all day long.  While I love it when I am relaxing at home on the couch or in bed, it does get slightly distracting in the middle of meetings at work.

FOOD CRAVINGS?: Nothing...actually eating is getting to be a chore.  I am back to not really wanting to eat meat again and I just don't have much of an appetite.  But luckily Rob makes sure I am getting a healthy amount of calories every day.  If you didn't automatically put on so much weight growing a baby, pregnancy could be a great diet haha.

GENDER?: Still don't know.  I flip back and forth whether I think its a girl or a boy.  I think right now I am leaning boy.  Rob says that he calls the baby a boy, but when he pictures it, he pictures a girl.

SYMPTOMS / MOODS?: I think my moods have been pretty good lately, though Rob may disagree.  I don't seem to be quite as moody these past few weeks, probably because I am too tired to be.  I am mostly just exhausted all the time and my back kills at the end of the day.  I am also still getting lots of headaches.

BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: In, but almost flat.  Hopefully it won't pop for a few more weeks.

WEDDING RINGS OFF or ON?: On!  This is surprising because my fingers usually swell.  I think the cold weather is helping. I am really happy that I am not nine months pregnant in the summer time.

HAPPY or MOODY MOST OF THE TIME?: Happy and getting really excited to meet Baby I and finally give it a real pronoun.  Friends are starting to think that I am really weird still calling the Baby "it". I can't wait to meet Baby I and name him/her. 

LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: I am excited because all of the house projects are finally almost done and should be COMPLETELY done in the next week or so which means that we get to go through all our stuff from the shower and actually set up and decorate the nursery.  I can't wait. We have some great ideas.

Here are some pictures from the Baby shower this past weekend!!!

Rob and I after brunch
Three generations and my 30 week picture!
Chloe and Felicia were our big helpers ... oh and Wendy and Mary too :)
New BFF's.  We have the most adorable neices!
Me and Felicia
Great idea for centerpieces.  This has pinterest written all over it.

Another pinterest idea that my mom made for the nursery.  In case its too small to read it spells dream in buttons.  Its super cute.

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

22 Weeks and 18 To Go


HOW FAR ALONG?: 22 weeks. 18 to go. The baby is finally over a pound and about the size of a small doll...what happened to the fruit comparisons?
TOTAL WEIGHT GAIN?: 8 pounds...ugh...

MATERNITY CLOTHES?: Yes, but still mixed in with some of my regular clothes.  Casual weekend clothes are easy and comfortable, but I struggle with myself in the mirror every morning when I have to get dressed for work.  Why do the cute maternity clothes have to be so expensive for something I will only be wearing for the next three months.

STRETCH MARKS?:  A few small ones on my hips.  Hopefully they don't get too much worse.

SLEEP?:  Some nights I sleep fine, but others I don't sleep at all.

BEST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Spending four days in Lake George with Rob and Daisy.  It was so nice to get away just us and enjoy the outdoors.  I really don't think I was meant to live and work near a city.  We had such a great time walking around the town, swimming in the lake and hiking in the Adirondack Mountains.  I can't wait to go back next year (or hopefully this winter for the winter carnival).

In the Mountain overlooking

WORST MOMENT THIS WEEK?: Just feeling so emotional.  This growing a human thing is hard work and I am always exhausted lately.  I also can't seem to control any of my emotions. (poor Rob).
MISS ANYTHING?: I could really use a glass of wine to de-stress and relax me.

MOVEMENT?: Lots of movement.  I can feel Baby I moving all the time in there.  I can feel him/her kick and also roll around.  They are not strong enough for Rob to feel yet from the outside, but I can't wait for that moment.

FOOD CRAVINGS?: Nothing specific or consistent that I have been craving.  I have more of an appetite I have noticed. Which is only supposed to grow since over the next 4 weeks the baby will double in size (hopefully I won't). 

GENDER?:  I took girl in the baby pool and Rob took boy.  So we are split 50/50.  Looks like most of the family is saying girl.  We will have to wait and see.

SYMPTOMS?: Lots of bloody noses, some lightheadedness, mood swings, exhaustion.  But all of this is better than getting sick like I was in the beginning.

BELLY BUTTON IN or OUT?: In, but flattening.  It is not attractive.


HAPPY or MOODY MOST OF THE TIME?: Happy and excited most of the time, but my day to day emotions are all over the place.

LOOKING FORWARD TO...?: Unfortunately all of our planned vacations are over which makes me very sad.  I am looking forward to the Country Music Fest this weekend, and a long weekend for Labor Day weekend.  I am also looking forward to registering and our Baby shower in October.  Overall just looking forward to fall, spending some time at home and getting ready for the baby.